Maple YYC

How to Implement a HyFlex Classroom

Step 1 - Infrastructure

Take inventory of what you already have on-site:

  1. What size and shape is your room? The size and shape affects the way your webcam(s) will be set up and the type of microphone you need.
  2. What equipment do you have? Computer, laptop, webcam, smartboard, smartTV, microphone, computer lab, tablets, speakers, and anything else you think may help.
  3. Check with your IT company to ensure your classroom can connect to your network, have enough bandwith to stream a live video, and offer other recommendations.
  4. Decide what delivery platform you will use: Zoom, Teams, Meet, WhatApp, Facebook, etc. If you are already using an online delivery platform for your other classes, use that one!
  5. Review your organizational chart. Select ambassadors and support team members for your implementation.

Step 2 - Plan

Make an implementation plan with your team:

1. Budget your time:

– Training for Teachers

– Training for Support Team

– Training for Students

2. Budget your funds:

– Equipment Cost

– Internet and Network Upgrades

– Training Costs

Step 3 - Action

Put your plan into action!

  1. Make your purchases: microphone, webcam, USB power hub, speakers, etc
  2. Choose your pilot class: assign the classroom, teacher(s), and students.
  3. Set up your classroom: set up your equipment and modify furniture set up for optimal interaction.