Subject-Based Classes at Maple Leaf Academy
We usually have 4-5 teachers per class.
John teaches Listening/Speaking
Laura teaches Reading
Mary teaches Writing
If a teacher teaches a HyFlex class, he/she would usually teach non-HyFlex classes as well.
March 2020
On March 15, 2020, COVID-19 closed all schools in the province of Alberta.
By March 18, 2020, Teachers at Maple Leaf Academy quickly converted to remote learning to
finish off the semester. This included using online resources and telephone assessments.
April 6, 2020 our new semester started completely online.
This was a steep learning curve for our staff and students.
July 2020
July 6, 2020 Our pilot synchronous hybrid class begins in a provincially funded program.
This consisted of:
3 in-person teachers
4 online teachers
4 in-person students
August 2020
August 31, 2020
We expanded our synchronous hybrid delivery to some of our LINC classes. Literacy, CLB 2, and CLB 3
Our synchronous hybrid learning classroom has a new name, HYFLEX, but the principle
behind the delivery remains the same:
Flexible learning for students,
Flexible delivery for teachers,
Effective use of technology, and Safe, continuous access to services with little disruption.
Our HyFlex classes are continuing and running smoothly.
Our classrooms are a continual place of learning and growth.
As technology, students, teachers, team members, facilities, and resources grow and adapt,
so will our classrooms.
Our school is a place of continuous connections, growth, and engagement.